Our First Meeting

  • We meet and talk about the story you want to tell

  • We look through your photos, keepsakes, diaries, yearbooks and other items to get a general idea of what could go into the book

  • We talk about how you would like me to spend my time

    • Research - I can do as much or as little as you choose

    • Genealogy - I can construct a family tree or look for documents

    • Contacting family members for photos and documents

    • Identifying people in photos - I can help with this

    • Scanning photos and documents - I can scan or recommend a service

    • Laying out the book - You can have as much input as you want

  • We look at sample books

  • We discuss the scope of the project, timing, style preferences and budget

Follow up

  • After our initial meeting I will follow up with and estimate based on our discussion. This price could change should you change the scope and direction of the project. I will always be upfront with you when I think the price will be impacted and you can make the decision on what you want included.

Moving Forward

  • Once we determine the scope of the project, we can continue to meet in person or communicate via email

  • I will go through your things with you or on my own - whichever you prefer

    • Once I get a sense of your family I will ask questions about photos and documents and need your feedback on dates and places

    • I will organize photos and documents by person

    • I will ask you what is important to you and what isn’t with regard to the things that go into the book

Laying out the book

  • Once we have most of the photos and documents in order, I will begin laying out your book. I will share sample layouts with you to get your feedback on likes and dislikes and together we will decide the format, captions, headings, color, backgrounds etc.

  • I will reach out from time to time to ask questions about people, places, layout

Book Draft

  • When I have the book 90% finished we will order a copy of the book for you

  • You will make your edits on the book and give me feedback

  • I will make your changes and any other final design changes

Finished Product

  • Once the book is finished I will send you a link to order one copy or multiple copies online. You now own the book!